PočetnaVijestiU konkurenciji za dokumentarni Oscar i film s ovih prostora

U konkurenciji za dokumentarni Oscar i film s ovih prostora


Nedavno je objavljena lista od 151 filma koji su zadovoljili službene kandidacijske kriterije za osvajanje oskarovskog zlatnog kipića u dokumentarnoj kategoriji. Članovi Akademije tako će uskoro moći glasati za svoje favorite, a službeno imenovanje 15 dokumentaraca koji su ušli u najuži izbor za osvajanje ove prestižne nagrade dogodit će se u prosincu ove godine. Podsjetimo, dodjela 86. Oscara na rasporedu je 2. ožujka 2014. godine u holivudskom Dolby Theatreu.

Konkurencijom, po očekivanju, ponovno dominira američka dokumentarna produkcija, a u borbi za najviši plasman našao se tek jedan film s ovih područja – “Drugi susret” srpskog redatelja Željka Mirkovića, kojeg je hrvatska publika mogla vidjeti na ovogodišnjem ZFF-u.

Lista kandidata za dokumentarni Oscar 2014:

  1. The Act of Killing
  2. After Tiller
  3. AKA Doc Pomus
  4. American Made Movie
  5. American Promise
  6. Approved for Adoption
  7. The Armstrong Lie
  8. At Berkeley
  9. Becoming Traviata
  10. Best Kept Secret
  11. Bettie Page Reveals All
  12. Bidder 70
  13. Big Men
  14. These Birds Walk
  15. Blackfish
  16. Blood Brother
  17. Brave Miss World
  18. Bridegroom
  19. Bridging the Gap
  20. Call Me Kuchu
  21. Casting By
  22. CinemAbility
  23. The Cinema: A Brief History of World Cinema
  24. Cooper and Hemingway: The True Gen
  25. The Crash Reel
  26. Cutie and the Boxer
  27. Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay
  28. Dirty Wars
  29. Don’t Stop Believin’: Everyman’s Journey
  30. Downloaded
  31. Enzo Avitabile Music Life
  32. Evocateur: The Morton Downey Jr. Movie
  33. Far Out Isn’t Far Enough: The Tomi Ungerer Story
  34. Fire In The Blood
  35. First Comes Love
  36. First Cousin Once Removed
  37. For No Good Reason
  38. Free Angela Davis and All Political Prisoners
  39. Free China: The Courage to Believe
  40. Free The Mind
  41. The Gardener
  42. Gahan Wilson: Born Dead, Still Weird
  43. Gasland II
  44. Generation Iron
  45. The Ghosts In Our Machine
  46. Gideon’s Army
  47. Girl Rising
  48. The Girls in The Band
  49. Glickman
  50. GMO OMG
  51. Go Grandriders
  52. God Loves Uganda
  53. Good Ol’ Freda
  54. Greedy Lying Bastards
  55. Growing Up Refugee
  56. Hava Nagila: The Movie
  57. Hawking
  58. Herblock: The Black & The White
  59. I Am Breathing
  60. Inequality For All
  61. Informant
  62. Is The Man Who Is Tall Happy? An Animated Conversation With Noam Chomsky
  63. It’s Better To Jump
  64. Jodorwsky’s Dune
  65. Koch
  66. The Last of The Unjust
  67. Let The Fire Burn
  68. Letters to Jackie
  69. Leviathan
  70. Life According To Sam
  71. Linsanity
  72. Lion Ark
  73. Liv and Ingmar
  74. Long Shot: The Kevin Laue Story
  75. Married and Counting
  76. Medora
  77. MisLead: America’s Secret Epidemic
  78. The Missing Picture
  79. Mondays With William
  80. Money for Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve
  81. More Than Honey
  82. Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary
  83. Murph: The Protector
  84. Muscle Shoals
  85. The Muslims Are Coming!
  86. My Father and the Man in Black
  87. Narco Cultura
  88. The Network
  89. The New Black
  90. 99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film
  91. No Place on Earth
  92. Not Yet Begun to Fight
  93. One Direction: This is Us
  94. One PM Central Standard Time
  95. Our Nixon
  96. Pad Yatra: A Green Odyssey
  97. Pandora’s Promise
  98. The Paw Project
  99. A Place At The Table
  100. Plimpton! Starring George Plimpton as Himself
  101. The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers
  102. Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer
  103. Re-emerging: The Jews of Nigeria
  104. Rescue in the Philippines:  Refuge from the Holocaust
  105. Revolution
  106. The Revolutionary Optimists
  107. Rising from Ashes
  108. A River Changes Course
  109. Running From Crazy
  110. Salinger
  111. The Second Meeting
  112. Seduced and Abandoned
  113. Shepard & Dark
  114. The Short Game
  115. Six By Sondheim
  116. Sound City
  117. Spark: A Burning Man Story
  118. Spinning Plates
  119. The Square
  120. State 194
  121. Stolen Seas
  122. Stories We Tell
  123. Storm Surfers in 3D
  124. Stuck
  125. The Summit
  126. Sweet Dreams
  127. Symphony of the Soil
  128. Terms and Conditions May Apply
  129. Tim’s Vermeer
  130. The Trials of Muhammad Ali
  131. 12 12 12
  132. 20 Feet From Stardom
  133. Two: The Story of Roman and Nyro
  134. The Unbelievers
  135. The United States of Autism
  136. The United States of Football
  137. The Unknown Known
  138. Valentine Road
  139. Valentino’s Ghost
  140. Walter: Lessons From The World’s Oldest People
  141. Wampler’s Ascent
  142. War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State
  143. We Came Home
  144. We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks
  145. We The Parents
  146. We Will See Tomorrow
  147. When I Walk
  148. Which Way Is the Front Line From Her? The Life and Time of Tim Hetherington
  149. Why We Ride
  150. Winter Nomads
  151. Zipper: Coney Island’s Last Wild Ride



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